Dos Prompt Home Page Command Prompt Reference

NOTE: Cacls is now deprecated, please use Icacls.

Displays or modifies access control lists (ACLs) of files

CACLS filename [/T] [/M] [/L] [/S[:SDDL]] [/E] [/C] [/G user:perm] [/R user [...]] [/P user:perm [...]] [/D user [...]]

filename           Displays ACLs.
/T Changes      ACLs of specified files in the current directory and all subdirectories.
/L                    Work on the Symbolic Link itself versus the target
/M                   Changes ACLs of volumes mounted to a directory
/S                    Displays the SDDL string for the DACL.
/S:SDDL         Replaces the ACLs with those specified in the SDDL string (not valid with /E, /G, /R, /P, or /D).
/E                    Edit ACL instead of replacing it.
/C                   Continue on access denied errors.
/G user:perm   Grant specified user access rights.
                       Perm can be: R Read
                                            W Write
                                            C Change (write)
                                            F Full control
/R user            Revoke specified user's access rights (only valid with /E).
/P user:perm    Replace specified user's access rights.
                       Perm can be: N None
                                            R Read
                                            W Write
                                            C Change (write)
                                            F Full control
/D user Deny specified user access.

Wildcards can be used to specify more than one file in a command.
You can specify more than one user in a command.


CI - Container Inherit. The ACE will be inherited by directories.
OI - Object Inherit. The ACE will be inherited by files.
IO - Inherit Only. The ACE does not apply to the current file/directory.
ID - Inherited. The ACE was inherited from the parent directory's ACL.



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Last Page Update: 08/03/2012

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